Welcome to the 20th Annual Conference of the German Society for Cytometry (DGfZ), Leipzig 2010

Dear Colleagues,

The program committee is cordially inviting you to participate in the

20th Annual Conference of the DGfZ

hosted at the Helmholtz – Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Germany.

The meeting will take place from October 13th to 15th 2010 in the Kubus Building, Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig.

This years conference is based on many topics and two of them have to be highlighted. First we want to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Annual Conference which is a good reason to look back for a moment. We can be proud of the major achievements attained by the founders and members of the DGfZ over these last twenty years. The ideas and developments are now part of the daily routine in clinics and experimental design in basic research in countless laboratories world wide, names of German cytometrists are closely related with many topics in single-cell analytics.

The second remarkable new aspect of the conference is the attempt to start a discussion on how developments in nanotechnology might provide new advantages for single-cell analytics. ‘Cytometry goes Nano’ for example means that scientists are challenged by getting resolution below the µm-Scale within the cell to better understand cellular functions on a well resolved molecular level. Going nano not only means the dimensions of the object under investigation, but also the dimensions of the materials and tools used to perform a more accurate analysis of the cells.  New nano-technologies, and the corresponding changes in physical, molecular and biological characterisation of cells, might therefore be a reasonable part of upcoming instrumentation technologies. Setting up a dialogue between Nanoscience and Cytometry is an experiment itself and we invite you to participate in that experiment.

I would especially like to remind young scientist of the fact that the DGfZ conferences are  well known for the relaxed and creative atmosphere and famous for discussion and the close contact to experienced scientists in many fields. So it is the opportunity for first time visitors to make new friends and for the regular participants to network with old friends.

We hope we set up an interesting and stimulating program (download Flyer2010DGFZ). The preliminary and final program of the meeting will be published here. Please check back these sites regularly.

If there are still some questions left,  please contact Dr. Susann Müller: susann.mueller@ufz.de.

Yours Sincerely,

Susann Müller

Members of this year’s program committee are:Prof. Dr. Annette Beck-Sickinger, Dr. Wolfgang Beisker, Dr. Lars Blank, Dr. Elmar Endl, Prof. Dr. Leoni Kunz-Schughart, Dr. Susann Müller, Prof. Dr. Andrea Robitzki, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Sack, Prof. Dr. Andreas Simm, Dr. Torsten Viergutz, Prof. Dr. Dieter Weiss, Prof. Dr. Christian Wilhelm

registration fees are:

120 EUR for members

150 EUR for non members

80 EUR per student

Last but not least we also want to remind you that there are two opportunities for young scientists to get their work acknowledged.

Klaus Goerttler Prize

In order to support young scientists the Klaus Goerttler Prize (1.000 €) will be awarded by the DGfZ for extraordinary research of cytometric relevance. Papers and / or thesis which had been published will be considered in the reviewing process for this prize (papers accepted for publication will not be treated). Members and non-members of the DGfZ are encouraged to apply for this prize and submit resp. manuscript plus c.v. via e-mail, electronic medium (floppy, CD-Rom) and a hard copies via postal service to the president of the DGfZ:

PD Dr. Susann Müller, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH – UFZ Department Umweltmikrobiologie AG Flow Cytometry Permoserstraße 15 / D-04318 Leipzig,

Poster Prize

The advisory board of the DGfZ will select the best poster presented at the 19th Annual Conference of the German Society for cytometry (200 €).